Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm Back!

I fell off the map a bit, sorry. I've been busy. Of course I just paused trying to think of an example of what's been keeping me so busy and didn't come up with much. An exciting tidbit is that I am writing this post on our laptop. Hooray! The computer guy was able to fix it. I thought for sure it was a goner so I am so very happy.

We are building a pour room for my clocks. An actual room with walls and a door and everything! No more ducking in and out of hanging drop clothes when I have to pour resin. My dad, Nick, and I put the walls up on Sunday and Nick did the wiring. I painted two of the inside walls yesterday and cleaned. Then today I built my two workbenches. I built them! I have totally redeemed myself from the kitty condo I built a few years ago. Let's just say it looked more like a junkyard kitty fun house than an upscale kitty condo. My workbenches are solid and level, yes level!! I actually measured stuff and everything. I hammered nails in without bending them or hammering myself. I also overcame my fear of circular saws. I feel invincible. Tomorrow I will put the top on the large workbench and build a shelf underneath it. I am also going to put up strips of wood on the walls to hang clocks on. It will be a pour room/storage room for completed clocks. I am on my way to complete organization!
Okay, so the picture isn't too super exciting. I will post more pictures when the room is all done. Plus I'll try to dig up a picture of the kitty condo for comparison.

The rest of the basement is a disaster. I think once the pour room is completed and I have moved everything into it I will be able to organize everything else pretty quickly. I need to because my next show is only three weeks away. Holy crackers! I haven't done anything to add to my inventory yet. Well, that's not totally true, I cut and sanded 38 wall clocks and started painting some of them. I just haven't completed any new inventory clocks. I have 40+ clocks left from the Columbus show but I need to get my rear in gear and start stocking up on more. I also need to tweak my displays (make them look nicer).

Sales have dived. I haven't crunched the numbers yet but it sure seemed like last October was much busier than this October. So far I have already exceeded last year's sales so I can't complain. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out. I have been tweeting away, with no response whatsoever, and I have been facebooking regularly. My melting clock facebook page gains new likes almost everyday, but I have no idea if any sales have come from it.

My last super exciting bit of news is that I discovered that my car can do a new trick! I have owned this car for over a year now and just now today I accidentally discovered that the back window can open separately from the back door. This is so very exciting. I will be using this new feature every time I load groceries and every other time I can find an excuse.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween! My kids had a great time dressing up and collecting candy. Our little village did Trick-or-Treat on Saturday. Which was not cool because I think the whole county drove in to get candy. We ran out of candy in one hour. Oh well, the kids had fun and that's what matters. My half assed last minute pumpkins looked okay too. All in all it was a good day.

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