Sunday, December 18, 2011

Don't Pet Your Goldfish

The kids and I are going to buy a couple of goldfish for their fishtank today. I was looking up water temperature for goldfish when I found this useful tidbit in the wiki article: "Like all fish, goldfish do not like to be petted." Thank god they cleared that up for me.

I just realized that most of our pets are hands off. The turtle always stays in the tank and I'm sure she is happy about that. The fire belly toads never come out. We do occasionally play with the fish. I guess that will have to stop, darn, they are such fun in the bath tub.

Where oh where have my Christmas sales gone? The holiday sales rush has most definitely peaked. I will be shipping out the last of my custom orders tomorrow and then I will have no clocks to work on. That will feel a little odd. It will give me time to finish up the critter house. Check out the progress:

Nick and I are done with our Christmas shopping. Woo-hoo! I don't think we've ever been this on top of things. And not only are we done shopping, everything is wrapped. This may be the least stressful week before Christmas ever.

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