Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Been Awhile

I've been a blogging slacker. It's been three months since my last post. Geez.

So what's been going on in Hilary world? Not too much. Clock sales have not been nearly as good as last year, which is a bummer. I have my first show of the year in two weeks, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes. It's The Broad Ripple Art Fair in Indianapolis, IN. This particular show posts the judging scores on-line. I scored the second highest in my category. Pretty cool.

My second show of the year is in June at the Easton Art Affair in Columbus, Ohio. From what I understand Easton is a nice area of the city with a upscale shopping center so I'm curious to see how that one turns out. It's nice to actually have some shows lined up!

I'm on the wait list for The Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts in July. That would be wonderful if I get the call. I'm planning on being prepared just in case, even if they only give me a week or a few days notice.

I spent most of today working on new displays for my booth. My old walls were so heavy I couldn't really move them or assemble them myself. They were made up of 8 wall pieces and 6 boards plus a Tupperware container full of hardware. The new walls are only three wall panels that are very light and easy to move and 6 much lighter boards/legs plus just a small handful of hardware holds it all together. I set up my tent in the driveway to see how it fits and make sure it will work. What a difference! If I need to do a show by myself now (if Nick has to work) I know I will be able to set up and tear down myself.

Other than being turned down by almost every show I've applied to and clock sales being in the dump things are good! :) I have gotten into running and find it very enjoyable. The kiddos are doing well. Eli only has a few weeks of school left and then he is on summer vacation. He and Karina get along quite well so I think they will keep each other busy this summer.

We had a pair of red finches nest on or front porch and got to watch the babies grow up. We've also kept the bird feeder in the backyard stocked so the kids and I have enjoyed watching the steady stream of bird visitors in the back. 

I'll stop with that because the excitement might get too overwhelming for all of you! I'll post some pics from the Broad Ripple show in a couple of weeks.

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